Our First Newsletter

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Green Foster Action: First Newsletter!

Hello our funders, supporters, partners, activist and all lovers of planet Earth, greetings from Green Foster Action!

Welcome to the inaugural edition of the Green Foster Action Newsletter. As a youth-led climate organisation, we are excited to share our journey, achievements, and upcoming activities with you. In a few months of operation, we have made significant strides in our mission to foster a sustainable environment and promote climate justice.

As Elexandria Ocasia-Cotez once said, “We don’t have time to sit on our hands as our planet burns. For young people, climate change is bigger than election or re-election. It’s life or death.” The work at hand is extremely important and words like these have been our driving force.


The #StopEACOP Campaign

The #StopEACOP campaign that is against the implementation of the world’s longest crude oil pipeline has been on top of our campaigns. We have had many significants wins along the way even though state brutality has continued and even become more brutal.

Several of our activists, local leaders and community membershave been arrested while some of our staff members have been warned by authorities and cautioned by community members while carrying out different advocacy programs amongs the PAPS. Even though there are many challenges along the way, our strength lies in the great global solidarity as well as the many community members that are continuing to kick away the fear and speak up to the authorities.

You can get more about our visits to the affected areas and our direct actions on our website

Tree Planting and General Clean ups

As one way of restoring our climate. We have engaged in various tree planting exercises as well as clean ups. Most of the tree planting activities have been carried out in Kampala especially to aid on the cleaning of the air since the city has been increasingly having a worse air quality according to the World Air Quality index. We have partnered with Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) the capital city’s main governing body to plant many trees on the streets. We have also partnered with them to carry out various clean up exercises together with local leaders and community members.


We have montly running X Spaces that are aimed at engaging the youth and the broader community in discussions about climate change and environmental justice. These online forums have provided a platform for knowledge sharing, networking, and mobilising support for our causes.

We held our recent X-Space with the theme: Uganda’s Path to a Just Transition. Our team of panelists put the Petroleum Authority of Uganda (PAU) on a hot spot. PAU, represented by Yusufu Masaba who is the Corporate Affairs officer, tried to defend the indefensible EACOP while his assertions were quashed by our listeners. The conversation that saw over 500 active people listening in, sparking more conversations around the #STOPEACOP campaign in relation to the Just Transition.

Don’t miss our next one. You can follow our twitter/X page to keep updated. Check it out here 

School Outreach Program

In our continued efforts to spread the climate Justice message to the young generation, we continue visiting schools to spread the message further.

We recently visited Kanjuki Primary School in Kayunga district where we found an amazing staff of climate conscious teachers who had started many climate friendly projects with the school’s Environment Club. It was amazing interacting with these young pupils. We planted many fruit trees to which the school decided to name some of them after our staff member. We also gave out trash cans and other assorted items to keep the school’s environment club booming as well as help in garbage collection.

Spotlight on Our Activists

Non of our achievements would be possible without the sacrifice of our passionate activists. From identifying places that needed the most intervention, participating in our X-Spaces, participating in tree planting exercises as well as being part of our direct actions even when they are extremely risky.

Looking Ahead

As we move forward, there are many exciting projects and events lined up. Here is a sneak peek:

  • More #STOPEACOP Direct Actions. We plan to have more direct action at the premises of the EACOP implementers as well as with the PAPS in their areas to air out their dissatisfaction to authorities. In case you want to participate in any of these actions, feel free to reach out to us and we shall inform you our next course of action.

  • More X Spaces. Follow our X handle to keep updated about our upcoming spaces and participate actively. In case you want to be part of our upcoming pannel, reach out to us via email ([email protected])

  • More School Visits. We are expanding our school reach out programs and we would be interested to get your suggestion of any school in your locality that you think needs our intervention in spreading the climate and Environment message. Send an email to [email protected]

  • Expanded Tree Planting Program. We will be expanding our tree planting program and our target is to have at least 50,000 before the year ends. This program will be conducted both in urban and rural areas.

  • Expanded Clean Up Program. As we carry out the clean ups, we realize that there is more sensitization that needs to be done. These will continue to be done along side the clean up exercises especially in Kampala and other urban areas. You can participate in any of our clean up exercises.

Join Us!

We invite you to join us in our efforts to combat climate change and promote environmental sustainability. Whether through volunteering, donating, or spreading the word, every bit of support counts.

Stay Connected

Follow us on social media and stay updated on our latest activities and events:

Thank you for being a part of our journey. Together, we can make a difference.

Warm regards,

The Green Foster Action Team

Contact Us: 

Feel free to provide feedback or suggestions for our next newsletter. Let's continue to foster a green, sustainable future for Uganda and beyond.